DearEmployee Access


Screenshots DearEmployee App

DearEmployee is a corporate health start-up based in Berlin and Constance. Founded in 2017, the company specializes in measuring and improving the mental and physical health of employees. With our knowledge and expertise, we have helped DearEmployee to improve the individual care of each employee.

Man looking at DearEmployee App on mobile

No improvement without action


DearEmployee has recognized the problem that companies often do not have sufficient measures in place to promote the individual health of their employees. The previous recommendations for action from the Marketplace, which can be used by HR and managers, often remained unused. There was also a lack of transparency, as employees were not given any insight into their personal results. We supported DearEmployee in identifying these problems and developing solutions to really improve employee health.

Venn Diagram of overlapping perspectives

Creating real added value


The first task was to identify motivational factors that lead employees to actively address their psychological health at work. We investigated how employees individually engage with their health in order to develop a tailored tool to promote health and wellbeing. Through our research, we were able to help DearEmployee gain insights and create a tool that provides real value for both employees and managers.

DearEmployee App Screenshots

At any time, without hurdles


Employee Access enables employees to improve their personal situation independently. Thanks to our support, we were able to create a platform on which employees can take a close look at their physical and mental health. Employee Access offers the advantage that employees are less dependent on managers or HR and can independently take measures that are personally relevant to them. Our result is a playful application that offers barrier-free solutions. Within the Journey, employees can find out how they can help themselves. Through self-reflection, exercises and articles.

Newspective offers an impressive holistic consulting service that not only produces excellent products - but also puts companies in a better digital position in the long term.

Benedikt Martinez, CTO DearEmployee

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